
At some times in our lives we all need some extra support to deal with the things life throws at us.
To help at these times our College Counsellor who is a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapists (BACP), offers a safe, free confidential counselling service to all students to support them in whatever way is needed, regardless of it being an issue inside or outside of the college.
  • Counselling aims to support young people to help themselves
  • It involves talking and listening, which will help the young person to consider their own situation or issue fully
  • The relationship between Counsellor and young person is very important and is built on honesty, trust and respect
  • Counselling can help young people to understand their feelings better, consider their strengths and help them make their own decisions
  • Counselling is free and confidential
  • Each session lasts for up to 1 hour
  • The Counsellor is qualified, insured and receives regular supervision
  • Young people may not want to discuss their counselling sessions
  • It must be the young person’s choice to attend for the counselling to work
  • Young people may need time and space to adjust to the changes taking place
  • Young people will have to attend regular sessions to be able to engage in the counselling process
  • Counselling is confidential unless the young person is deemed to be at risk
  • Telling young people what to do
  • Making decisions for young people
  • Making judgements about young peoples’ lives
  • Forcing young people to attend sessions if they don’t want to
  • Disclosing what is discussed in counselling with others without the young person’s permission