Letters / Newsletters

Please find below  a selection of letters that have been sent home to parents/carers.
This page does not contain all letters (and certainly doesn’t contain any letters that are specific to individual children) but is a representation of some of the general letters home.


College Letters 2023 – 2024

Term Dates 2024/25 - 2 Jul End of Term 2023/24 - Start of Term 2024/25 Letter - 2 Jul Year 11 Study Leave Letter - 8 May Uniform Letter - 20 Mar Mobile Phone Letter to Parents - 21 Dec Year 9 New Routines - 20 Dec Parental Update - 29 Nov Pastoral Letter - 6 Nov Parental Update Autumn Term 1.2 - 30 Oct Start of New Academic Year 2023-24 - 8 Sep

The City Herald

City Herald is our students very own newspaper. It is an opportunity for them to raise their voices, share their concerns and engage with our community.

Students work incredibly hard to get the papers completed each term. Please have a read and let us know what you think.

The City Herald 2.4 - 10 Jul The City Herald 2.3 - 9 Apr The City Herald 2.2 - 20 Dec The City Herald 2.1 - 1 Nov

TCOLC Newsletters

Please have a look at our latest school newsletters below to keep up to date with everything that’s happening in our school. 

TCOLC Newsletter - 12 Jul TCOLC Newsletter - 3 May TCOLC Newsletter - 1 Mar