Governing Body

The Governing Body are volunteers who commit to working alongside the College Leadership Team and is responsible for a wide range of matters including ensuring that students at The City of Leicester College receive a high quality education.  It is also responsible for the future development and improvement of the college.

The Governing Body of The City of Leicester College consists of:
  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Authority Governor
  • 1 Head Teacher
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 9 Co-opted Governors

Instrument of Government

Chair of Governors: John Andrews

Vice-Chair of Governors: Naresh Chauhan

Clerk to the Governors: Radmila Vincic (non-voting)

Any correspondence for the Chair of Governors should be addressed to The City of Leicester College for the Chair’s attention.



The Governing Body has three core committees:

1. Full Governing Body

The Full Governing Body has 5 core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its students, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
  • Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets
  • Meeting statutory duties

School Lead Person: Ken Vernon

Chairperson: John Andrews

Members:   Dipak Bhatt, Naresh Chauhan (vice-chair), Sandeep Gill, Jaya Keshwala, Harsha Kotecha, Fatima Laher, Chetan Patel, Kalpana Patel, Hamza Suleman and Maarten Tas


2. Leadership & Business Committee

To consist of a maximum of 3 Governors, with a majority of Governors who are not members of the college staff.  Meetings are open to any member of the Governing Body.


The Quorum shall be 3 Governors.

Core Purpose:

The Governors’ Leadership & Business Committee will systematically review the following areas of work of the college:

  • Financial management, planning & monitoring, and budget
  • Implement Pay Policy and staff appraisal
  • Health and safety and use of premises
  • Safeguarding in relation to staff
  • Staffing structures
  • Capability
  • Staff wellbeing
  • Staff CPD
  • Covid–19 Risk Assessment
  • Multi Academy Trust

School Lead Person: Ken Vernon

Chairperson: John Andrews

Members: Dipak Bhatt, Naresh Chauhan (vice-chair), Sandeep Gill, Jaya Keshwala, Harsha Kotecha, Fatima Laher, Chetan Patel, Kalpana Patel, Hamza Suleman and Maarten Tas


3. Teaching & Learning Committee

To consist of a maximum of 3 Governors, with a majority of Governors who are not members of the college staff.  Meetings are open to any member of the Governing Body.


The Quorum shall be 3 Governors.

Core Purpose:

The Governors’ Teaching & Learning Committee will systematically review the following areas of work of the college:

  • Intent – ensure curriculum planning meets the statutory requirements as a minimum, and enhances students’ opportunities and experience
  • Implementation – Assess the quality of:
  1. Teaching and Learning
  2. Assessment and Feedback
  3. Strategies for improving outcomes for vulnerable and catch up groups e.g. SEND, Disadvantaged
  4. Personal Development – Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) and Religious Education (RE)
  5. Careers
  6. The use of new technologies
  7. Homework and distance learning
  8. Student Voice

School Lead Person: Jill Walton

Chairperson: John Andrews

Members: Dipak Bhatt, Naresh Chauhan (vice-chair), Sandeep Gill, Jaya Keshwala, Harsha Kotecha, Fatima Laher, Chetan Patel, Kalpana Patel, Hamza Suleman and Maarten Tas



All Governors have an department link to allow them to understand the strategies and interventions that will help our students produce their best outcomes.

Link Governor For
John Andrews Co-opted Governor
Chair of Full Governing Body
Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning
Safer Recruitment
School Priorities
Staff Well-Being
Dipak Bhatt Staff Governor Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning
ICT Strategy
Sixth Form
Naresh Chauhan Co-opted Governor
Vice-Chair of Full Governing Body
Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning
Health & Safety
Sandeep Gill Parent Governor Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning
Behaviour and Attendance
Jaya Keshwala Co-opted Governor Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning
Harsha Kotecha Co-opted Governor Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning
Fatima Laher Co-opted Governor Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning
Chetan Patel Parent Governor Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning
SEND / Vulnerable Groups
Pupil Premium
Kalpana Patel Local Authority Governor

Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning
Hamza Suleman Co-opted Governor Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning
Standards, Expectations and Aspirations
Vulnerable Groups
Maarten Tas Co-opted Governor Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning
Sixth Form
Ken Vernon Head Teacher (Ex-officio) Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning
Jill Walton Associate Member (no voting rights on Full Governing Body) Leadership & Business
Teaching & Learning



There is a statutory duty for all Governors to declare their business interests and for these to be published on the College’s website.  It is important for anyone involved in spending public money to demonstrate that they do not benefit personally from any decisions they make.



We have published the Governors’ register of attendance for Academic Year 2023/24 below.

Governors Attendance 2023/24