Dyslexia Support

The City of Leicester College is proud to announce that we have been awarded the Dyslexia Friendly School status in June 2015.
The Aim of the Dyslexia Friendly Schools Quality Mark is to promote excellent practice by the school as it carries out its role of supporting and challenging its staff to improve accessibility for more learners. The quality mark is verified through Leicester City’s Special Needs Teaching Service, and the British Dyslexia Association (BDA).

Miss Pennifold the school’s SENDCo, with our Teaching and Learning Leaders aim to ensure all staff are skilled and confident in supporting students with dyslexia and other literacy needs in their classrooms. The DFS working party has already implemented some changes including:

  • all information for students is printed on cream, rather than white, paper
  • reading rulers are available in all Hub areas
  • information sessions for parents on Student Review Day
  • awareness raising and skill sessions for students in afternoon registration
  • displays of famous, successful dyslexics
  • dyslexia friendly bookshelf with additional resources in the library

We offer a range of well-founded literacy and numeracy catch up groups for years 7, 8 and 9. These include reading, spelling, handwriting, language and inference lessons. We also provide catch-up Numeracy and Numicon.

Dyslexic students now have the opportunity to learn touch typing skills and we have a range of resources to aid the Dyslexic pupils in their lessons, including the use of ipads. We are currently trialling effective apps for Dyslexic students.

Please see our website for regular updates and links to how you can support your child at home. We also have a range of information you can pick up at reception, and we hold regular Dyslexia training for parents during our parent review days and open evenings.

Dyslexia Support for Parents / Carers

Dyslexia Information for Parents / Carers

Dyslexia Friendly School Statement


For more information please contact Laura Pennifold, SENDCo at lpennifold@cityleicester.leicester.sch.uk