Behaviour & Rewards

Written Statement Of Behaviour Principles
It is the responsibility of all members of the college community, all of the time, to ensure they follow the college BfL policy, use it effectively to promote a growth mind-set and embrace a restorative approach to managing behaviour.

As adults, our approach should always attempt to:

  • Put our College Aims, Vision and Learning Charter into practice
  • Follow our Behaviour Code consistently – sanctions and rewards
  • Encourage the growth of mutual respect and positive relationships
  • Be fair, consistent, but flexible and allow students to gain self-esteem and success in college
  • Reinforce good behaviour and attitudes, using the Character Pillars
  • Use opportunities for praise (reward via ClassCharts as well as verbally)
  • Ensure good communications between all involved ‑ teacher, student, AchCo/HOY, Form Tutor, Head of Department, CLT, Inclusion Team members (e.g. SENDCO and Learning Support, Attendance Officer, Learning Mentors, Behaviour Support Worker etc), parents/carers and external agencies.

In order that effective learning can take place, there are certain expectations of all students. At all times, we should insist that students follow the TCOLC student expectations under the Character Pillars.

College Expectations



Behaviour Management

The College has a clear Behaviour for Learning Policy based on the expectations of the Character Pillars. The success of the behaviour policy relies on staff being consistent in their implementation of the policy; this refers to both rewards and sanctions. Poor behaviour is communicated through a series of stages, starting with a formal warning, correction (detention until 3:40) and then red line (taken out of circulation for the rest of the day then staying in school until 4.00pm on the same day)

  • All departments have a roaming timetable with a member of staff available every lesson to pre-empt poor behaviour, support colleagues and pick up any students who need to be moved to Hub on-call.
  • All incidents of poor behaviour occurring in lessons, or in the department, are dealt with by the classroom teacher with support from the department leadership team.
  • Incidents which occur around the college are dealt with by the member of staff who witnesses it with support from the Head of Year and, where appropriate, Behaviour Support and CLT.
  • The Form Tutor has a key role to play in supporting and monitoring the positive and negative behaviour of their tutees and is the first point of contact for parents, so needs to be included in all information about their students.
  • The staff should log all incidents of poor behaviour and recognition of good behaviour via ClassCharts, so that an accurate and up-to-date record can be kept centrally on the student database.
The Red Line
Escalation Consequence Action By
Formal Warning Name written on the board - 2 behaviour points added. Classroom teacher - enters on SIMS (2 behaviour points).
Correction 3 behaviour points issued - sit out the remainder of the lesson.

Half an hour detention after school (3.10 - 3.40pm) and a phone call home - a further correction in the next lesson will result in an hours detention after school during the same day.
Classroom teacher/roaming staff.

Classroom teacher to call home and attend after school detention for reparation meeting (3 behaviour points).
Red Line
(student's behaviour has fallen below expectations and they are non-compliant)
Isolated for the rest of the day until 4.00pm. If it happens during the afternoon you will be isolated the following day (4 behaviour points added). Behaviour/Pastoral team will collect and place in BSU.

Classroom teacher to call if in lessons / BSU if out (4 behaviour points).

Late in the morning (after 8.30am) = breaktime detention. If students miss this, a correction will be added and they will serve an after school detention on the same day.


Thresholds For Negative Behaviour Points Every 6 Weeks:
15 Points Form tutor conversation with parent.

Green or subject monitoring report.
30 Points PSP level 1: Head of Year with parent.

Yellow monitoring report.
50 Points PSP level 2: CLT with parents.

Red monitoring report.
50+ Points Alternative provision, The Base, Exclusion, Managed Move to another school.